Helping Empower Local People (HELP) is a free local system that matches people in Greenhithe needing help to local volunteers and groups offering support.
Sign up to receive help or offer help by clicking on the blue HELP registration button on the right of this page.
A Neighbourhood Support facilitator will match the person needing help with a suitable volunteer or group facilitator from the database and ask the volunteer to call them.
We plan to get back to you within two working days to begin the matching process.
Feedback will be sought from both parties. This is for quality control.
Examples of potential helping:
If you are new in the area or feeling isolated and need help connecting to the many support and friendships groups in Greenhithe.
If you are unwell and need help picking up and dropping off groceries, medications or transport to a doctors appointment.
If you are unwell and need help with pets.
Help with computer technology.
Help with invasive pests, both animal and plant.
What our facilitator will do – keep personal information strictly private. Act as an initial liaison between a helper and a person needing help. You can contact the HELP facilitator on –gctsuzanne@gmail.com
What our facilitator won’t do –
Be involved with discussion about payment. This is volunteerism.
We wont provide advice, especially medical advice.
We wont be responsible for safety. Parents are unwise to ask people they don’t know to mind or transport their children.
People asking for help need to have reasonable expectations of what a volunteer can do. Otherwise consider giving a young person or a local business a paid job.
For further information about Neighbourhood Support in Greenhithe or to find out who your street contact is, email gctsuzanne@gmail.com