Kia ora Greenhithe
Greenhithe is having less than 5 incidences of crime reported a week so let’s hope that keeps up.
Sign up to Greenhithe Neighbourhood Support if you want to see the local statistics.
Here are some great tips on preventing doorstep parcel theft
Tip 1 Require a signature
Tip 2 Specify ‘not visible from road’
Tip 3 Hve it delivered to your workplace
Tip 4 Pick it up from the courier
Here are the numbers to call if anything suspicious is seen – call 111 if crime is happening now. Call 105 if it has already happened or call me on 0211914227.
Nga mihi, Brent
(this information was put together by Marie with my permission, thanks Marie! The police dog image was thanks to NZ Police. That was 5-year-old beloved Oden who sadly passed away recently)