Update 2pm 12 Feb – Our nearest open community shelter is currently the Albany Community Hub at 575a Albany Highway. Civil Defence has supplied stretchers, blankets, food, water and welfare support there. The Greenhithe Community Hall next to the fire station remains on standby in case the roads are not passable. If we need to open this we will be asking the community to donate food and bedding. |
Kia ora Greenhithe – Here is some information to help us prepare if the cyclone hits as currently expected. Please read, share it with local friends and relatives and have it on hand in case you or someone you know is impacted. |
The Greenhithe Emergency Resilience Group is made up of leaders from the local Fire and Emergency Service, Community Trust, Residents Association and Primary School.
The aim is to help Greenhithe residents be better prepared to coordinate and manage the hazards and to take independent action to look after each other to recover quickly and effectively. |
Feb 11 – Get Prepared Now
· The storm is expected to arrive from Sunday so use this time to get prepared before the forceful wind and heavy rain starts. Prepare to be stuck at home for three days and prepare to leave very quickly. Figure out what supplies you need and make a plan to work out what you need to get through. Have a grab bag. Pack medication.
- Flooding and slips are possible and strong wind gusts could damage trees, powerlines and unsecured structures. You may lose power, water, access to shops, cell phone networks, internet etc.
- Secure any loose items on your property, such as trampolines, plant pots, wheelie bins, outdoor furniture and other household items. This also includes items you might have put outside for collection by waste teams.
- Check on your family, whānau and neighbours, and vulnerable members of your community. Have a plan in place for pets and animals in case you need to evacuate.
- Clear stormwater drains around your home if it’s safe to do so.
- https://greenhithecommunitytrust.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/A-Resilient-Greenhithe-final-10-July-2020.pdf Here is our local A Resilient Greenhithe, packed full of safety tips.
- Here are some good tips if people around you are anxious https://www.leva.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/RW-Anxiety-English_f.pdf
Know Where to Go (if you must leave your home)
- If you or someone you know is displaced, it’s critical that you know where you can go. In the first instance, it is best if neighbours/friends/family can assist. If not, there is help available.
- For Greenhithe, the Community Hall is currently on standby for opening if required as an emergency shelter for the local area.
- A decision on activation will be made once the path of the storm and its likely impact has become clearer. Even if not immediately activated, this may change at any time if there is demand.
- Check https://www.facebook.com/groups/Greenhithecommunitygroup for updates on any opening of the Community Hall. If it does open, community help will be needed (more to follow)
- In the event of power/internet outage, if the facilities are being opened for shelter, there will be a poster the front door. If not opening, they will indicate our nearest shelter.
- Auckland Emergency Management will be announcing what centres around the region are available via their website and this will be updated during the event also.
Know Where to Get Help or to Report a Problem
- Phone 0800 22 22 00 for urgent flooding issues and assistance
- If your life is at risk, phone 111.
- To report flooding, damage to drains, or stormwater issues, please log
your issue online at aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/report-problem or contact
0800 22 22 00.
- For welfare assistance, contact the Ministry of Social Development
on 0800 400 100. Further information about support available from the
Ministry of Social Development (MSD) can be found on the Work and
Income website www.workandincome.govt.nz
- If you have urgent food or clothing needs as a result of the storm, you can look for providers at familyservices.govt.nz/directory. https://greenhithecommunitytrust.org.nz/ has a supply of supermarket vouchers for people in need. https://www.facebook.com/hopeshed12/ can supply clothing.
- To report slips on private land contact the landowner, or if you are the landowner, your insurance company.
- For landslides that might affect public land, contact Auckland Council
on 09 301 0101
- For landslides that might affect public roads, contact Auckland
Transport on 09 355 3553.
Keep Informed
- Auckland Emergency Management Website and Facebook Page – this is the official information channel for Auckland.
- https://greenhithecommunitytrust.org.nz/ – for information on our closest local Emergency Shelter and other key emergency communications.
- On radio to your local radio stations if you lose power / internet. Key information will be repeated on local radio stations.
