It was great to see so many street BBQs and community events happening over summer.  March 27 to April 5 is the official “Neighbours Day” but we know that in Greenhithe every day is ‘Neighbours Day’.

And of course we all know that being neighbourly is as simple as smiling, waving, and chatting over the fence.

We  send out a monthly email including the latest Police crime map of Greenhithe and surrounding areas to those who have signed up for NS and provided an email address. We encourage everyone in Greenhithe to sign up! Just contact me to sign up or find out who your Street Contact is.

Best Regards


Marie Bishop
Greenhithe Neighbourhood Support Facilitator

Police contacts: Text *555 to report a road a road incident or unsafe driver.

Call 09 839 0600 to report a crime that has occurred. Call 111 for an emergency.

If you want to join the community patrols email

Troy Williamson, our local policeman is on 021 191 4227