It is wonderful to have 7 part time community facilitators working for Greenhithe Community Trust to rally volunteers to help Greenhithe to be a better place to live.

Thanks Lottery Community, COGS, Neighborhood Support NZ, Auckland Council, North Shore Fund for this funding!

They are trusted and proven locals with a long-term view of how we can continue to impact this community in the most positive of ways. They assist in Trust projects and networking within the community and share ideas and resources with nearby communities too.

Marie Bishop and Suzanne Piper, Neighborhood Support

Adam Tibbotts, Youth Manager
Jethro Nacario and Rhiana Kenny-Dowall,  Youth Community

Nicola Robertson, Ecology
Louis Foot, Pest Free Greenhithe

Dianna Castaneira, Plunket Coffee Group

Shelly Mackay, Greenhithe Life Facilitator

Contact details are on our facilitators page.